Tag: ESXi

ESXi info ERROR: wrong DISK_BACKUP_FORMAT thin when using ghettoVCB

Story : My main server had to be moved to a different datacenter. I’ve backed up my virtual machines using ghettoVCB to a NFS datastore. I’ve copied them to another server’s internal hard-drives from the NFS datastore.

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VMWare ESXi 5 I/O performance problem on IBM x3250

ESXi 5 hardware controller problem

After upgrading to ESXi 5.0 from ESXi 4.1 Update 1 because I could not install it on my LSI 1064E hardware RAID, my IBM x3250 4364 server showed poor I/O performance when downloading stuff. In the logs the message was : Device xxyyzz performance has deteriorated. I/O latency increased from average value of 80631 microseconds …

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